A warm Welcome!
I am Marjon, proud creator of Regenerate Your Life. RYL is here to share knowledge. Designed to Regenerate your mind, body and spirit.
Via this website, we have created a portal for you to access researched information on concepts of modern and ancient traditions. Our aim is for you to achieve and stay in your vitality, youth, and longevity, creating a well-balanced physical, and spiritual well-being self, naturally.
Moor Mud MAGIC! Our focus is Moor Mud Organics for overall health.
The short story how I found RYL Torf Moor Mud: My good friend Google literally dropped it into my lap/laptop. It's true!

A little about ME
I made a pact with myself to constantly regenerate when my mum passed, her life taught me how not to live mine, I love her for this one gift.
My aim is to have fun and enjoy my work, not get bogged down in having the best-looking website, or having the most face-book or Instagram fans. I can't see where the authenticity is in that? Probably sound like an old fart, right? :)
What drives me, is to continue to create an honest, ethical, natural, informative site that inspires and gives the very best of face and body treatments that deliver results.
With many years behind me, studying how the mind, body, soul work as one, and with much trial, effort and tears, I have successfully written my own formula for well-being, inspiring me to guide others to achieving theirs.
We truly are our own self healer, but sometimes we need guidance on which formula is best suited.

A little on how to Regenerate Your Life
When you choose to either re-educate, educate or set out to achieve something new or challenging, and learn from it, you infuse this new information with what you have already experienced in your life, then you evolve.
(So worth a "Hallelujah!")
This creates an incredible spark* within your energetic field, then filters out into the universe. Bringing you a step closer to your infinite wisdom, which indeed lies within all of us.
Tuning into our inner or higher self, we find and remember our own individual wisdom, and begin to see our body as the beautiful vessel that it is.
The reward for seeing and then loving your true self, is a natural healthy birth-right and state of well-being.
You are your own wisdom keeper; you hold the key to an abundant fulfilled healthy you. Regenerate Your Life naturally your worth it.
Thank-you for visiting and or choosing to purchase with REGENERATE YOUR LIFE
Good Fortune with Infinite Blessings*.